Ambient Vaporizers Ready To Roll
The FinnCo stockyards are currently filling up with new ambient vaporizers rolling off the production line and ready to be shipped across the country. The dispatch yard seen here is at FinnCo in Louisville, KY.
Our low-pressure, ambient, cryogenic vaporizer line is designed for a maximum pressure of 700 PSI. Our standard high-pressure line is built with a stainless steel lining and is designed for a maximum allowable pressure of 10,000 PSI. The pressure-building vaporizers are designed for a 700 PSI maximum. Monel lined models are also available.
FinnCo’s ambient vaporizers are known for their ease of use and installation:
- Simple Assembly
- No Welding Required
- Expandable, Modular Design
- Stackable with No Crating Required
- Custom Accessories Available
With a distribution network stretching right the way across the US, from California in the West to New Hampshire in the East, FinnCo is ramping up production of ambient, electric, direct steam, CO2 and water circulating vaporizers.